This afternoon, December 21, Premier Doug Ford announced that, effective 12:01 a.m. on December 26, the entire province will be in the “grey zone” (lockdown). In light of this, Bishop Desrochers wishes to convey the following message: The Bishop strongly recommends that churches remain open for personal prayer and for sacraments that can be celebrated with the allowed ten people present (including clergy). It would be possible for there to be confessions, baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Priests may schedule Masses for those circumstances in which no more than ten people will be present. In some parishes, this will mean that weekday Masses can continue. Priests may, if they wish, multiply the number of Masses in order to allow the greatest possible number of people to attend. For “drive-in” Masses, here is the current legislation with regard to grey zones: Gathering in motor vehicles for religious service, rite or ceremony 4. (1) This section applies with respect to gatherings for the purposes of a wedding, funeral, religious service, rite or ceremony if the persons attending the gathering, other than those conducting the service, rite or ceremony, do so in a motor vehicle. (2) Clause 1 (1) (d) does not apply to a person who attends a gathering to which this section applies if the person follows all of the following precautions that apply to the person: 1. Each person attending the gathering, other than the persons conducting the service, rite or ceremony, must remain within a motor vehicle that is designed to be closed to the elements, except, i. where necessary to use a washroom, or ii. as may otherwise be necessary for the purposes of health and safety. 2. The driver of a motor vehicle must ensure that it is positioned at least two metres away from other motor vehicles. 3. A person who ordinarily uses a non-motorized vehicle because of their religious belief and who attends the gathering must remain within their non-motorized vehicle except where necessary to use a washroom or as may otherwise be required for health and safety, and paragraph 2 applies with necessary modifications.