February 27, 2022 To: Clergy and Parishes in the Ontario sector of the diocese
From: Fr. Michael Smith, Vicar General Diocese of Pembroke The WorshipSafe committee is offering the following guidance to the dioceses and eparchies as they prepare for the anticipated lessening of restrictions, effective on March 1, 2022:
In accordance with the public health and workplace safety measures, churches may open at full capacity,
Contact tracing lists are not required,
As of the writing of this memo, the Congregation of the [Doctrine of the] Faith still advises that ashes need to be sprinkled on Ash Wednesday,
Communion in the hand is highly encouraged at this time. Those who wish to receive on the tongue should ideally receive at the end of the communion line. Communion from the cup is not permitted at this time.
Ushers may be useful to assist with helping parishioners with seating and traffic flow to maintain comfortable distancing whenever possible,
Masks must be worn by all those attending Mass, two years and up,
Attendees should self-screen for any symptoms prior to arrival at Mass,
Hand sanitizer should continue to be available for parishioner use and comfort, but the spraying of hand sanitizer by volunteers, as parishioners enter the church, is not necessary,
Air circulation should continue to be enhanced,
The Sign of Peace through the shaking of hands is discouraged as it brings people into close and perhaps uncomfortable proximity. It may be more appropriate to resume the shaking of hands when masks are no longer required and parishioners are more comfortable,
Use of holy water fonts is permissible,
Eucharistic ministers, lectors, altar servers may resume – with attention to distancing wherever possible,
Congregational singing is permissible,
Choirs may resume with masks in place and Cantors may continue to be unmasked if a 3 metre distance from others is maintained,
Minimal contact offertory collection is encouraged by ushers extending their baskets or by placement of the collection baskets at the doors. Passing the collection basket from person to person is discouraged,
Children’s liturgy, if resumed, needs to include mandatory masking for the children due to the emphasis on safety,
As noted in earlier correspondence, hymnals, prayer cards, etc. may be in place in the pews,
As noted in earlier correspondence, enhanced cleaning protocols are no longer required.
Please note that the above list is not exhaustive but is intended to provide some guidance as dioceses and eparchies establish their own protocols. Bishops are reminded that regional and local medical officers of health may have specific expectations and guidance with regards to the above measures. We will continue to monitor information and updates coming from the Government of Ontario and the Ontario Medical Officer of Health.
Some final thoughts:
It may be wise to continue to keep posted existing health and hygiene related signage – especially as the pandemic is not concluded, and new variants could emerge
We recognize that it may take time before all of our parishioners feel comfortable about returning to Mass in person. It is anticipated that many will continue to wish to participate in Mass through live streaming that is being offered in so many parishes and dioceses.